Monday, February 15, 2010

Hollywood ----> Mississippi

So, these past few days have been fairly mundane. Just lots of work and some studying on the side for those Praxis exams. This has given me plenty of time to think...and think...and think. Which, if you know me, you know that's not always good.


I try not to count the days until I depart, but I can't help it. But then counting the days doesn't make it go any fact, it's been scientifically proven* that counting down days makes time slow by 213%. I'm just ready to go. LA has been fine. I've appreciated my bizarre time here. I've met some interesting people, done some interesting things, and had a homeless man hand me a live baby rabbit.'s time to move on. And these past few days have shown me that.

I'm looking forward to the challenge. I'm looking forward to the location. I'm looking forward to meeting new and exciting people. And I'm looking forward to never having to wear a polo with a Best Buy logo on it. It's going to be great.

Now if it could just hurry up and get here...

*entirely made-up fact

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