Sunday, January 24, 2010

In The Beginning...

Three days ago, this popped up in my inbox:

"I am pleased to extend you an offer to join the Teach For America 2010 Corps! This offer to join Teach For America reflects your outstanding accomplishments, leadership potential, and commitment to expanding educational opportunites for children in low-income communities."

It went on a little longer, but that initial statement was the important part. Yes, I was accepted to be a part of Teach For America. My assignment: Secondary Math in The Mississippi Delta. I will be one of about 500 corps members in the region, which spans parts of Mississippi and Arkansas. According to the website and information packet they sent me, I can look forward to: crawfish, the blues, a low cost-of-living, Wal-Mart, day-trips to Little Rock or Memphis, and the King Biscuit Blues Festival.

For those of you not overly familiar with Teach For America, they have an excellent website that explains all their goals, their impact, their process, etc. You can find that info HERE.

And if you're interested in learning more about where I'm headed, you can find that info

Needless to say, my life is going to change. A lot. It is going to be the most stressful, terrifying, and rewarding two years of my life. So, even though it's cliche, I figured I would start a blog to track my journey and to, hopefully, keep my head on straight.

March 13th -------------- Praxis II: Mathematics Content Knowledge Exam (pray for me)
April __th ---------------Praxis I Exam (pray for me)
Mid-June----------------Induction and Institute
Early August-------------School starts

Here we go...